Baby Boomers Are Keeping These Gross Foods Alive

Published on 05/26/2019

Thanks For The Gross Foods, Baby Boomers

These gross foods are all thanks to the generation of people that were born in the 15-years that followed World War II, the baby boomers. Many people during this time were enjoying both prosperity and economic security after the war, which was taken as an opportunity to have lots of children. While the baby boomers gained economic importance during the 60s and 70s when they became the youth of the state, they also had a huge impact on the foods of the time.

Baby Boomers Are Keeping These Gross Foods Alive

Baby Boomers Are Keeping These Gross Foods Alive


Today, baby boomers are retired and just don’t seem to understand the difficulties that today’s youth encounter on a daily basis. Struggles such as living costs, high rent, and a struggling economy are just some of the several problems that today’s youth must face, which baby boomers simply do not understand. In their day, there was no trouble in buying a house and supporting a family on one middle-class salary; today that just is not possible at all. The baby boomers did contribute a lot to today’s society, such as processed foods and franchise restaurants and some undeniably disgusting foods.

Turkey Stuffing

Only teddy bears should contain stuffing. Turkey stuffing should be illegal because not only does it taste gross, but it also dries out the turkey.

Turkey Stuffing

Turkey Stuffing

Nobody likes raw turkey juice and turkey stuffing is basically eating raw turkey juice. You should simply use it as a side dish for Thanksgiving.