Most dogs will safely and happily give birth to an adorable litter of puppies if they feel happy and safe. When the vet performed an ultrasound on this pregnant dog, she was in complete disbelief at what she saw, was it even possible? After counting the unborn puppies a second time, the vet’s fear was confirmed. The vet didn’t have much time to save the lives of the dog and her unborn puppies; she needed to act quickly.

The Pregnant Dog That Shocked Vets With The Unbelievable Reason She Couldn’t Give Birth
The Decision
Chris and Mariesa had initially rescued the helpless dog from a shelter. They visited numerous shelters in order to find a dog that would steal their hearts. The decision wasn’t an easy one to make, especially considering the fact that so many animals were longing for a loving home. Despite the situation seeming futile, eventually, they locked eyes with the ‘one’. It was the dog they knew they had been searching for, they immediately fell in love, and the rest was history.

The Decision