Mind Blowing Life Hacks: Amazing Uses For Plastic Wrap And Aluminum Foil

Published on 06/23/2019

Boost The Efficiency Of Your Radiator

During the cold winters, it is always nice to be inside a warm house, although, if you have a standard radiator you already know that they are not always as capable of keeping a home as warm as you want it to be. While upgrading or buying a new one may not always be a solution that will fit a tight budget, as both options would mean an increase in your electricity and gas bills.

Low Cost Boost To Radiator Efficiency

Boost The Efficiency Of Your Radiator

If you’re hoping for a pocket-friendly solution to keep your home ideally warm, aluminum and some cardboard is all you will need. Place a few flaps of aluminum foil over the cardboard and place around the heat source. This will help heat your house by reflecting heat and increasing heat distribution. Essentially, your standard radiator will become far more efficient. If you already have cavity wall insulation then this whole thing is less relevant because that’s already doing the work, sorry!


A Solution For Rust And Dirt

If you have ever attempted to iron a shirt using an iron that has accumulated either dirt or a bit of rust, you will know how easy it can ruin a perfectly good shirt!

Dealing With Dirt Or Rust

A Solution For Rust And Dirt

A quick and easy solution to prevent ruining your shirts is a rolled up ball of aluminum foil. While the iron is hot, you can use the ball of aluminum foil to scrub away both dirt and rust with ease. However, your iron may be left with a few scratches.