Sore Painful Throat
We have all experienced a sore throat at some point during our lifetimes. Generally, we start jumping to conclusions, speculating that it may be a common cold or influenza, perhaps we even start to reevaluate everything we’ve consumed throughout the day to try to pinpoint allergic reactions. Either or, this issue needs to be relieved, fast and easily. Gargle a mixture of baking soda and water, at the back of your throat, and you should be soothed in no time.

Sore Painful Throat
No More Yellow Stained Nails
So, you love your nails looking lovely and painted for the gods, but get too consumed in your busy lives to take it off, or just have the horrendous habit of leaving it on too long to chip and peel off revealing atrocious, almost unrecognizable yellow talons? Create a paste with baking soda and peroxide, scrub your nails as per normal. Your nails will be restored to their natural color in no time. This hack is especially beneficial for those who prefer to eat with their hands.

No More Yellow Stained Nails