Healthy Kidneys
Baking soda is just as much an assistant medical compound, as well as a cooking or cleaning product. Amazing to say the least. So we all know or have heard of somebody with chronic kidney diseases, leading to dialysis or even transplants, etc. Baking soda has been found to reduce the speed at which kidney disease escalates. While this might not seem that important right now, you will thank yourself for chugging down those bitter glasses of bicarb when you are older.

Healthy Kidneys
Demolish Weeds
These pests just pop up when we least expect or want them to, and tend to spread like wildfire, strangling and uglifying our beautiful driveways, landscaping, and gardens. Sprinkle baking soda over affected areas and repeat when necessary, without ever having to get on your haunches, probably gaining blisters along the way, while pulling these pests out! No one likes getting down on their hands and knees to forcefully evict unwelcomed tenants, so make your gardening jobs far easier with bicarb.

Demolish Weeds