25 Useful Baking Soda Hacks That Will Blow You Away

Published on 12/09/2019

Litter Box Cleaner

Cats are among the cleanest and most hygienic animals around. Not only do they love to bathe themselves with their tongues, but they also bury their doo-doos, generally in a provided litter box. Anybody that owns a cat, knows that finding a solution to keep these aloof, cute feline’s toilets clean and smelling pleasant, can be a bit impossible at times. Sprinkle baking soda underneath the cat litter and this ought to eliminate the majority of these pungent odors.

Litter Box Cleaner

Litter Box Cleaner


Soft, Sleek Hair

Ladies (and fellas), let us face it, hair maintenance is one of the most difficult, annoying, and painful processes in this beautiful life. We spend so much money on new and fangled products that promise to smoothen out our hair into a glossy wonder, when the best product lies waiting in our kitchen cupboards. Mix some baking soda in with your hair conditioner. This ought to enable you to boast healthier, stronger hair without those annoying split ends. Watch your results develop for yourself.

Soft, Sleek Hair

Soft, Sleek Hair