Goodbye Chicken Pox!
Ah, chickenpox, the scourge of our childhoods but a much-needed infection that saves us from a lethal one in our adulthood. Regardless, chickenpox is a nastily uncomfortable ride for anyone. Luckily, we have the perfect balm in store for you, and it doesn’t involve pharmacies! Mix half a tablespoon of bicarb soda with water. Apply to affected spots of the body with where any of the poxes may be showing. This ought to relieve the redness and itchiness which created that utter discomfort.

Goodbye Chicken Pox!
Stained Containers
Whether you’ve packed lunch, or just used your plastic containers to store leftover food, especially with sauces, namely kinds of pasta and soups, especially a tomato-based sauce, to say the least, you know very well how these can stain. Many people will tragically throw away their containers once they reach a deeper shade of orange, which is a massive waste when they could so easily be cleaned with the right ingredient. Scrub these containers with bicarb soda and warm water, watch how they come clean.

Stained Containers