Oral Discomfort
As with the mouthwash remedy for fresh breath, you would use the same principle to heal the discomfort of canker sores in your mouth. Mouth sores are particularly difficult to heal due to how sensitive the inner workings of the mouth are, as well as how much they grate against our teeth. Many people often cannot help tonguing their sores, which does not help the healing process, either. Use this remedy twice a day, until wounds have disappeared.
Solution For Oil And Grease Fires
Before we even get started, NO! You are not about to become a fully trained and capable fireman. But If you have a small, manageable fire starting on your stove; bicarb soda is one of the main ingredients in a fire extinguisher. This being said, it’s only natural that you would be able to use baking soda to extinguish a small fire. This hack should only ever be used to extinguish a small fire in a pinch.