25 Useful Baking Soda Hacks That Will Blow You Away

Published on 12/09/2019

Easy Hair Cleaning

It should come as no surprise that bicarb soda is one of the main ingredients in dry shampoos. But, instead of going out and buying dry shampoo, save a penny or two, sprinkle some bicarb onto your brush and brush it through your hair, shaking off any excess. This should generally remove any excess oils and even add volume to your hair! Style and go! Make sure to tell all your friends about this hack, and save them a good few dollars, too!

Easy Hair Cleaning

Easy Hair Cleaning


Keep Your Clothing Soft

Again, as with washing powder, if you find yourself with sensitive skin, and sometimes being allergic to fabric softeners, bicarb soda does exactly the same job for a quarter of the price, and having no negative effects on your skin. We all love the silky goodness that fabric softener brings to our clothes, but hose with particularly sensitive skin, or those with skin conditions, might suffer as a side effect. Simply insert half a cup into the rinse cycle.

Keep Your Clothing Soft

Keep Your Clothing Soft