Remove Car Stains
Say goodbye to those pesky stains on the car seats left by the kids snacking in the back on the car, or just the general muck that builds up over time, making your car look so much older than it really is. This trick is an easy fix and it is chemical-free so you don’t need to worry about anyone coming into contact with harmful substances. Just scrub some baking soda into the seats, wash with a cloth, and voila!

Remove Car Stains
Mattress Cleaner
There are few things more blissful than collapsing onto your feather-soft mattress after a long day of work. But while you sleep like a log, some disturbing things might be festering beneath your sheets… As with the carpets, this method will reduce eliminate odors, and remove any unwanted and unpleasant dirt and dust in your mattress. Sprinkle on the mattress, leave on for about 15 minutes, or overnight if you choose, vacuum excess powder off the mattress.

Mattress Cleaner