Lights & Love
The desert is vast and seemingly endless which means people can easily become disoriented. So in 1991 neon lights became an addition to the Burning Man festival. Michael Mikel aka “Danger Ranger” formed The Black Rock Rangers and together they were responsible for safety as well as handling any incidences of violence. While this is a largely free experience, the event planners understand that the human element can get out of hand from time to time.

Lights & Love
No Mess, No Fuss
We revisit the Burning Man dictionary for yet another interesting word: MOOP. Technically an acronym, it stands for Matter Out Of Place. Volunteers clear the festival grounds of moop and festival-goers are responsible for their poop – and by that we mean to use the porta-potties available. If you soil the grounds with any waste you can be liable for a $125 ticket! We understand that when a human returns to nature in such an intense way that their faculties can get a bit out of hand, but try to keep it tidy!

No Mess, No Fuss