Incredible Burning Man Photography

Published on 01/29/2020

Become One With Your Inner Self

While the personal growth and relationships fostered at the event are very much real, the names certainly aren’t! Everyone has a Playa Name and not unlike schoolyard nicknames, you cannot choose your own. It must be given to you! The names are always given from a positive aspect, however, (which is very unlike the schoolyard) and really add to the community feel as well as your own understanding of self. People often learn the most about themselves through others.

Become One With Your Inner Self

Become One With Your Inner Self


No Avoiding Security

Yes, the Burning Man is a welcoming and inclusive event! But only if you paid your entrance fee. Cars entering the festival grounds will be checked by the event organizers/security for any sneaky stowaways! Don’t worry though, they won’t typically confiscate anything. Those trying to cheat the ticket person might face a different story, however. These security staff members have seen and dealt with every kind of stowaway strategy, so don’t even think of trying your luck (or their patience). 

No Avoiding Security

No Avoiding Security