Burning Man is not the place for business but unfortunately, advertisers have cottoned on to loopholes. Many artists and influencers use photography from the event for promotional activities. Especially if a post-apocalyptic aesthetic is what they are looking for. The event is one of a kind backdrop. You cannot really blame people for wanting to take advantage of the epic scenery and surroundings, but they should still try to keep things humble and out of the way of the main events.

Speaking of accessories, jewelry is one way to get noticed at the Burning Man. This photograph is a great example of the extremes accessories can be taken to. It’s certainly not a bad thing though! Jewelry is one of the most popular trading items and looking at this, it’s no surprise why! Whatever this woman is wearing, it must have taken a long time to put together, and a lot of money! We love seeing people’s creativity and talent run wild.
