Incredible Burning Man Photography

Published on 01/29/2020

Dress To Express

Animal-themed costumes, motifs, and outfits are a frequent sight at the festival. Every person has their own story and it all forms part of the spirit of the event. Radical self-expression is the order of the day so throw on those ears and tails whether you’re a furry, a cosplayer, or just someone who feels cute in bunny ears! Bringing out your inner animal is all part of the experience, and is an incredible way to better understand yourself. 

Dress To Express

Dress To Express


Notable Tattoos

While tattooed humans are around you at every turn you sadly won’t be able to acquire any new ones at the event. While it might seem like a great idea in theory, in practice it is next to impossible to maintain sanitary conditions on the playa. Any self-respecting tattoo artist will tell you that their equipment and work conditions must be sterile. With this much sand blowing around, coupled with the intense heat, a new tattoo could easily become infected. 

Notable Tattoos

Notable Tattoos