Nick Denton and Derrence Washington
Together, Nick, CEO of Gawker, and Derrence are a formidable couple. They radiate their love for each other. Married in 2014, they will no doubt have many happy years together. In a bizarre twist of fate, Gawker was bankrupted when Hulk Hogan (of all people) filed a lethal lawsuit against Nick and his company. Peter Thiel did not have much say over when he personally wanted to come out as gay, as in 2007, Denton’s editor, Owen Thomas, announced his sexuality to the world.

Nick Denton And Derrence Washington
Don Roos and Dan Bucatinsky
With their love growing stronger and stronger since 1992, Don, a screenwriter, and Dan, actor/writer and producer, said their vows in 2008 and have added to children to their family, Eliza, and Jonah. Don is best known for writing Love Field in 1992, which was nominated for an Oscar. This was a hard-hitting drama which looked at the complexities of interracial relationships. His other smash hit, Single White Female propelled him back into mainstream fame.

Don Roos and Dan Bucatinsky