Dot Marie Jones And Bridgett Casteen
Dot, another actor from the hit show ‘Glee’, and Bridgett, found each other in 2010. Dot used the opportune setting of Anaheim Gay Day, to propose to Bridgett. They said their nuptials in 2013. Dot-Marie is an incredibly powerful former athlete who broke plenty of shot put records. She also excelled at arm wrestling, being the world champion fifteen times! She later transitioned into acting when she appeared in the iconic Lizzie McGuire show and later in Glee.

Dot Marie Jones And Bridgett Casteen
Jessica Clark And Lacey Stone
Beautiful model and vlogger, Jessica and fitness guru, Lacey got hitched in 2010. It seemed like the two were superbly in love with one another, and their blog showcased a phenomenally romantic relationship. Their followers were shocked when they separated in 2012. It really is true that you cannot believe everything that you see, especially when it comes to celebrities, and especially when they begin documenting their lives so intimately. We wish them well for their respective futures.

Jessica Clark And Lacey Stone