We Bet You Didn’t Know Some of These Things about the Life and Career of Don Knotts

Published on 12/09/2019

Frat Member

Don Knotts was a member of the Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity. The fraternity began at the Massachusetts Agricultural College in Amherst on the 15th of March 1873. The fraternity merged with Phi Sigma Epsilon in 1985, making it the largest merger of Greek-letter fraternities.

Frat Member

Frat Member

Don became a member of the fraternity in 1946, just after the war. The fraternity promotes three main principles: “Promotion of Brotherhood,” the “Stimulation of Scholarship,” and the “Development of Character”.


College Scholar

Don Knotts went to college at West Virginia University in Morgantown in 1948, where he got his Bachelor’s degree in Education.

College Scholar

College Scholar

So to sum up, Knotts served in the military becoming a World War II veteran, he became an award-winning actor, and he managed to earn himself a college degree as well, and in Education no less! It is no wonder they built a statue of him; he was an all-round winning package of wonder!