The Ultimate Cake Disasters

Published on 04/30/2020

The Drunk Candies

These M&M characters look like they had a seriously wild night. The actual M&Ms have not been arranged very neatly either. We’re just hoping that this baker wanted the M&Ms to look like they’d been partying for too long, otherwise, this is just scary! Jokes aside, this individual shows much potential, and we truly hope that they didn’t let this humorous example kill their confidence.

The Drunk Candies

The Drunk Candies


The Force Is Weak

It isn’t often that a single character outshines an entire show, which is what happened with the Baby Yoda character from ‘The Mandalorian’. It seems like some people can’t get enough of the cute little green munchkin, as he has even started appearing on cakes. The force was not strong with Reddit user ‘robszie’ when they decided to make an even sweeter version of the little tyke. We hope that they opted for a printed Baby Yoda for their next Star Wars themed cake.

The Force Is Weak

The Force Is Weak