The Ultimate Cake Disasters

Published on 04/30/2020

Starfish Fail

‘SpongeBob Square Pants’ is another classic kids’ cartoon which became a popular choice for cake themes. It’s also one of the easier choices for a special design, especially considering that it is a 2D theme. Making the cartoon characters look believable does take time and work. Smoothening out the frosting for an accurate look takes several attempts to perfect. You can expect to make a few cakes that look like this until you reach your sweet spot!

Starfish Fail

Starfish Fail


The Bulldogs Cake

UGA fans are not going to be very impressed with this silly tribute to their team. The worst part about this rather cute looking bulldog cake is the fact that it seems to have been made by a ‘professional’ baker, given the label and container. The original UGA bulldog mascot is one of the meaner looking sports mascots, who has been hilariously reduced to a puppy who looks to happy to see you.

The Bulldogs Cake

The Bulldogs Cake