Lori Singer
This celebrity started her career as a Julliard-trained cellist and went on to seek fame as an actress. Many people will consider playing the cello to be quite a mournful and subdued profession, which is why Lori stunned her critics with her incredible rise to fame. She landed roles in the hit films Footloose and the series Fame. Lori Singer remains active in the entertainment industry and she has also produced the documentary Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the Housse of Gold.

Lori Singer
Elizabeth Berkley
Known for her outstanding performance as Jessie Spano in the series Saved By The Bell, Elizabeth Berkley is another ‘80s star that continues to grace the big screens to this day. If you want to become well-acquainted with the best sitcoms of the 80s, then Saved By The Bell is an essential watch. Some of her most recent work is her remarkable roles in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Melissa & Joey, and New Girl. She has also been a contestant on the beloved show Dancing with the Stars.

Elizabeth Berkley