A Hairstylist Finds Something Hiding In A Girl’s Hair

Published on 05/16/2022

A Quick Rush

Christian wanted to know what was happening, but Hannah was so upset she couldn’t even speak properly. She wasn’t just upset about her hair, she was also upset that all of this started because she was so obsessed with getting a boyfriend that she went to all the trouble to change her hair. She realized she should have known that the teenage boys would be immature about everything and that it wasn’t really worth it.

A Quick Rush

A Quick Rush



Christian became more and more furious as the situation went on. He began to scream. He wanted to know who did this, and why an ambulance hadn’t been called yet. Christian threatened to call the police, but the school principal’s secretary told him to calm down. Christian looked at her in anger and decided that now it was war. Christian was a hot head and was never one to talk things out calmly and reasonably.

