Kidney Beans
We know its names for the kidney but – surprise! – kidney beans really “bean-efits” your brain and heart. (“Heart & Brain Bean” just doesn’t have that same ring to it.) Kidney beans help boost your memory on top of the plethora of heart benefits, like lowering homocysteine (and therefore your risk of having a heart attack). This bean is low in fat and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which reduces the risk of peripheral vascular diseases, strokes, cancer, and diabetes. Certainly, that makes it the #1 kidney shaped food on this heart-healthy list!

Kidney Beans
Don’t confuse the cute bird with the cute fuzzy fruit! Inside one kiwi you’ll find a juicy green fruit that’s packed with vitamins B, C, & E; polyphenols, magnesium, potassium, and copper. (Inside the other, a tiny bird!) These edible elements from the periodic table reduce clots and keep your whole heart system healthy. Kiwifruit is also packed with antioxidants and will keep your immune system strong. Having troubles with indigestion? Kiwi is an excellent source of dietary fiber.
