With a palette of flavorful varieties, apples should be a superfood most folks can happily consume. Your heart will be Golden with this Delicious treat, your doctor will be Jazzed about your heart health, and you’ll increase your odds of living to be an old Granny Smith with this antioxidant-laden fruit in your diet. Apples are incredibly delicious and come in an incredible range of flavors and types in today’s magnificent world of fruit, far beyond red, yellow, and green.

Now that Hawaii can share their avocados with the world, it should be easier to get ahold of this single seed berry. (Surprise! Didn’t think this would be one of the berries this article alluded to earlier, did you?!) Avocados have been hilariously blamed for shifting millennials’ spending power from home ownership to toast but what you can actually blame avocados for is being rich in potassium and monounsaturated fats. That helps you lower cholesterol and keeps your heart healthy. Maybe millennials are planning for their future by eating all that avocado toast…
