These 45 Innovative Uses for Vaseline Prove it’s Not Just for Skin!

Published on 04/02/2020

37. Keeping Squirrels Grounded


The food you buy for birds in your garden feeder often gets claimed by conniving squirrels. You can keep them from climbing in uninvited by slathering your bird feeder’s entrance with Vaseline. The critters will now be unable to grip onto the little ledge.
Do not worry about your little bird friends, as they can easily pop into the bird feeder undeterred.


38. Avoiding Dye Residue

Avoiding Dye Residue

You only ever want your hair to be dyed, not your face. You can protect the skin there by lathering a protecting layer across your hairline. This will ensure that your particularly messy friend doesn’t splatter your face with the chemicals.