9. Avoiding Irritating Patchiness from Bottled Tan

Bottled tan products are a fantastic way to cheat the sun, but their results can look very strange when you come out looking patchy. To ensure that your treatment looks completely natural and consistent, make sure to smother the dryer patches of skin on your body with Vaseline. These include hands, ankles, elbows and feet. You can now step out in confidence, looking like you spent a few weeks on a tropical island!
10. A Solution to Tricky Fire-Starting
The outdoorsy types will love this one. Of course, Vaseline is not inherently flammable and completely safe, but it can act as a brilliant lubricant. Start by dipping a cotton ball in petroleum jelly. Now, light the cotton ball and observe as the Vaseline acts in the same way that candle wax does, acting as a wicking agent. Once heated, the gas will ignite in a manageable and harmless manner (the petroleum will not burn). This flaming cotton ball will now burn for quite some time as the petroleum jelly will slow its progress.