He Earned It
Martin passed his driving test in October 2013, which allowed him to develop more confidence in his driving ability. “I drive all over the nation, which has assisted me in growing my computer consulting company and providing me with a level of independence that was previously unfathomable to me,” he said.

He Earned It
Martin and his wife had been trying to have a kid for months, but the doctors had told them they could never have the capacity to have children because of their genetic condition. Then something extraordinary occurred!
They Were Expecting
In fact, what Joanna believed as food poisoning was actually pregnancy. She decided to take a pregnancy test to be sure, and the results confirmed she was expecting a child. Martin was ecstatic when she shared her news with him.

They Were Expecting
“At first, I was really taken aback and felt utterly overwhelmed – I was concerned about so many things.” Now, on the other hand, I am really thrilled!!! I still have moments of apprehension and anxiety. “However, I’m looking forward to becoming a parent,” Martin expressed excitement. Their son, Sebastian Albert Pistorius was born on December 6, 2018.