The 9 to 5 Hustle: These Guys Are Working Hard Since Retiring From the NBA

Published on 03/17/2020

Bryant Reeves: Cattle Farmer

Bryan Reeves is known for having a lot of potentials, but ultimately his career ended as his body simply couldn’t handle the injuries anymore after just six seasons. Nicknamed “Big Country”, Reeves decided that he wanted a simpler life, opting to open a cattle ranch after his retirement. Sports glory may have eluded him, but he does know what he’s doing on a farm.
His 300-acre ranch in Oklahoma is still in operation today, ensuring that his nickname is here to stay. While many people fantasize about the life of a pro athlete, others have the talent but have different ambitions for themselves. Reeves is a good example of someone who preferred living somewhat more ordinarily, like the rest of us.

Bryant Reeves Cattle Farmer

Bryant Reeves Cattle Farmer


Greg Oden: The Student

Greg Ogden was dubbed to become the new face of the Portland Trailblazers in the late 2000’s. It wasn’t meant to be, however, as his string of injuries meant he could never complete a full season. Upon retirement, he had chronic foot problems and little hope of operating at peak level again.
Not one to be deterred and keen to learn more, he decided to focus his attention on academics. Taking on a job as the student manager of the men’s basketball team at Ohio State, he was allowed to take additional classes as part of the deal, setting him up nicely for the second wind of his career in the process.

Greg Oden Student

Greg Oden Student