The 9 to 5 Hustle: These Guys Are Working Hard Since Retiring From the NBA

Published on 03/17/2020

Brandon Roy: High School Basketball Coach

It’s always sad when someone who is dubbed to be the next Hall of Famer has to end his career early due to injury. Roy had persistent knee problems, which meant his retirement came earlier than expects. While there were a few open doors in terms of broadcasting, this wasn’t something he was particularly passionate about. Skip to 2017, and Brandon took on a new gig in a field he knew he was comfortable in; coaching. In his first season of working with the team from Nathan High School, they went a perfect 29-0. This earned him the ‘Coach of the Year’ award and showed that life had other ideas for him, now in the exact place where he was meant to be.

Brandon Roy High School Basketball Coach

Brandon Roy High School Basketball Coach


Shandon Anderson: Vegetarian Restaurant Owner

Shandon Anderson’s career highlight has got to be when he won an NBA Championship for the 2006 Miami Heat. Retirement meant completely turning things on their head, where he pursued a passion that few people knew about at the time: vegetarianism. Being a vegetarian for over 20 years, he decided he wanted to be a vegetarian/vegan chef at his own restaurant one day and began learning how to cook. This would lead to him interning at top New York restaurants, including “Candle 79”, which has a reputation for its high-quality food. Low and behold, he eventually opened up “Drink Art” in Atlanta, specializing in Thai vegan cuisine. The restaurant closed less than a year later, but Anderson gets a nod from us for going after his dreams.

Shandon Anderson Vegetarian Restaurant Owner

Shandon Anderson Vegetarian Restaurant Owner