We Used The Obesity Rate To Rank The Most Overweight States In America

Published on 01/13/2021

27.Delaware – 31.8% Obesity Rate

Delaware’s health and human services division revealed that less than 40% of the state’s people land in the recommended weight bracket. Almost 33% of its residents, aged between 18 and 25, are in the overweight range. And things just get worse for the older generations, with more than half of those aged between 25 to 34 refuse to diet. When we look at the age bracket of 45 to 65, however, things become incredibly worrying, with 58.6% of this mature age group being overweight or obese.




26.South Dakota – 31.9% Obesity Rate

South Dakota was struggling with its obesity rate in 2016 with 29.6% of its population struggling with their weight. In 2019, this rate rose to 31.9%. Such an increase granted this state a position in our list. This alarming obesity rate is made up of a few particularly hard-hit groups, including those without university degrees, people whose yearly salaries range between $25,000 and $34,999, as well as American Indians. The last group happens to tragically be the most obese in the United States.

South Dakota

South Dakota