What Was Storie Waiting For?
Storie was wise. She was holding back because she was unwilling to deliver her babies in the stressful and overcrowded environment she had been living in at the animal rescue shelter. This made perfect sense to the couple considering all the recent research they had done. Storie was simply waiting for the ideal situation to have her puppies and somehow knew that her adoptive parents were on their way! Once the Pit Bull realized that she was in a safe environment, she delivered her litter of puppies, without any complications.

What Was Storie Waiting For?
The Pack of Pit Bulls
After just one day of Storie being in her new forever home, she was already comfortable enough to decide to deliver her litter. The comfort, security, and love provided by Chris and Mariesa were enough to let Storie feel safe enough to give birth. While no one could figure out why the Pit Bull was overdue and not delivering her puppies, Storie knew she needed to wait for her forever home. Thanks to Chris and Mariesa, Storie was able to deliver a dozen puppies safely and in comfort!

The Pack of Pit Bulls