Pregnant Waitress Receives An Unusual Note From A Police Officer

Published on 09/09/2020

It was a normal day, that started out like any other, that hinted nothing of the life-changing events that lay ahead. A young waitress started her shift at a local diner. Ready to do her job, she could not for a moment have guessed this day would see her collapsing into tears. Keep reading the story to find out the truth about what happened to her, and how her world was forever upended by a simple note.

A Challenging Period

She had grown accustomed to the challenges of pregnancy. Now in her third trimester, her situation had become somewhat overwhelming, despite her chipper predisposition. The changes her body was undergoing, although normal of pregnancy, started making her vocation particularly challenging. With all the aches and pains, it is no wonder that waitressing is not a recommended profession when pregnant. This was a demanding and tiring job, to begin with, and this waitress was really starting to feel the strain.

A Challenging Period

A Challenging Period


Life-Changing Note

Normally when serving tables, a waiter or waitress expects to find at the very least fair a tip tucked into the bill folder when tidying up after a customer. She was not expecting a note of any kind, much less the one awaiting her. Waiters and waitresses generally serve a customer without too much communication beyond orders and complaints, verbal or written. The small handwritten note that she found contained a remark that truly moved her. She sought out her manager, unable to restrain her tears.

Life Changing Note

Life Changing Note