They Put “Rabbit Boy” Through All Manner Of Bullying, But A Decade Later They Would All Be Stunned

Published on 01/28/2021


Evan’s last day with braces finally came. It was time for the treatment to end, and his mother excitedly drove him to the ultimate appointment with the dentist. In just a few hours, Evan would finally be free of braces… forever!



He had bravely endured a number of intense surgeries, and the discomforts of braces for years. It was time to reap the rewards of his patience and endurance. But would all the blood, sweat, and tears pay off? We will let you decide.


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Evan’s dentist carefully began undoing the braces and washed off the leftover glue. Evan was then instructed to use some special mouthwash before being passed a mirror. All these difficult years had built up to this moment, five years in the making.

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Evan could not hold the tears back as he carefully inspected his face. He could not believe that he was the same person that he had been five years ago. Evan’s jaw dropped.