7. Different Colored Hair
No, this woman has not been dying her hair since she was a baby. Our next amazing human was submitted by their sister. She wanted to show the world her amazing hair coloring: half brunette, half blonde! You might have seen some cats that have two different colorings joined perfectly in the middle, but have you ever seen a human with this ideal split? This woman is also a chimera, and two fertilized eggs likely fused in her mother’s womb.

7 Different Colored Hair
8. Hereditary Eyebrow Gap
You might have to look closely at our next submitter’s eyebrows closely to spot their unique trait. Yes, that’s right! Her right eyebrow has a long, curved gap in it. Amazingly, this young lady was able to trace her genetic gift through a painting of one of her ancestors! The man in the painting has a gap in the same eyebrow, in almost the same place. While it might look like a scar from a nasty fall, this gap is all thanks to the wonders of inheritance!

8 Hereditary Eyebrow Gap