Bonding With the Daughter
The older folk can sometimes find it difficult to understand their younger counterparts. Perhaps this man is attempting to understand the younger generation’s mindset by imitating some of their fashion choices. If that’s the case, he’s probably finding those leggings much more comfortable than he expected. Whether or not he’s discovering a new world of fashion, this type of image doesn’t seem too far-fetched for the bizarre world of Walmart. In fact, compared to some things, it probably seems rather tame.

Bonding With The Daughter
Truly Romantic
Weddings are apparently not uncommon at Walmart, but perhaps this couple is just passing through after the wedding? After all, couples have a long list of items to purchase before leaving on their honeymoon, so it’s not too far-fetched. Was their shopping list, however, so pressing that they didn’t even have time to change out of their wedding attire? Evidently, since there they are, completely dressed for the wedding they have just finished, had, or are about to have, in Walmart.

Truly Romantic