Rocking the Look
We don’t know why this person is clothed in this manner. Whether they are a member of the usually underrepresented LGTBQ population or not, the point remains that this photograph is a little out of the ordinary, especially given this very tall figure absolutely sporting an unorthodox style. We’re not sure if this is fashion-forward or not, but it’s certainly not out of the ordinary in the wild jungle that is Walmart.

Rocking The Look
Embracing the Legend
The King of Pop passed away many years ago, but his fans live on. Still, you don’t see too many people trying to copy him this close, even in Walmart. But, hey, we’re not complaining since, as they say, imitation is the purest form of flattery. Let’s just hope this particular fan doesn’t leave us in the same unexpected and heartbreaking way Michael Jackson did, or we’ll have to be sad all over again.

Embracing The Legend