Eat More Veggies!
Don’t forget to load up on the vegetable aisle, this woman seems to do it in style… This lady brought her own melons to the fruit section to compare quality. There are only a few ways to develop a body this incredible, and that is through a lifetime of eating your fruits and vegetables. Just look at her guns! This lady is not messing around when it comes to nutrition, and we would love to copy her shopping cart’s selection.

Eat More Veggies!
If you take a moment to observe this picture, you may notice how deeply the American colors are ingrained in its citizens. These two, perhaps subconsciously, have created a match of blue, red and white just like the flag. This photo could easily have been taken on the 4th of July, and these young ladies are going all out to support their nation. The lady on the right was even patriotic enough to sit in the sun the whole day to get that perfect red tone.
