Sports Photos That Could Not Have Been Better Timed

Published on 03/12/2020

Spider Tactics

The position of the goaltender can be tricky. Making sure that the other team cannot score a goal requires a lot of concentration and, apparently, spider-like tactics. She looks like a combination of Darth Sidious from Star Wars and Spider-Man!

Spider Tactics

Spider Tactics

This goalie is so determined to prevent the goal that she has gone to the extremes. By spreading both arms and legs out, getting as much coverage of the post as possible, she manages to resemble quite an intimidating human spider.


Do You Really Need A Helmet?

The player in this photo is right in the middle of an extremely intense game, yet he does not seem at all phased by the fact that he has no helmet on. He actually appears to be completely serene as he runs through the air with the ball.

Do You Really Need A Helmet

Do You Really Need A Helmet

Moreover, it also does not seem to bother this player at all that another player is about to tackle him to the ground. If that is not sheer confidence and unwavering determination, then nothing is!