Dolores Del Rio – A Hollywood Beauty
As the years passed, Dolores Del Rio became the center of attention related to a woman having the perfect body. If kids and young women of today were to exist in those days, for sure, she would have been a role model and would have inspired a lot of women. Photoplay magazine described her ideal body using words such as “roundly turned” and “warmly curved,” among many other amazing words. The magazine further went on to classify her as the woman with the best figure in Hollywood.
The Star-Spangled Girl Of The ’40s
When the ’40s approached, things were not the same as many were going on during that period. Bear in mind, it was during this decade that the Second World War was initiated. Nothing was the same, and with the changes that came from every angle, the female body also changed, and a new figure was the hit of the day. The need to have long limbs and broad shoulders were the mission of every woman as this was the best figure and shape of the time. It was during this decade that the “bullet” bra came into existence.