China has a long history of some of the most stringent and intense beauty standards, and its modern fashion world is no less unforgiving. The thinner that you are in the Asian country, the better, and having light skin is an absolute must. These qualities are still looked for in potential wives for the sons of good families, and these suitors must also possess narrow waists. Many women use face-whitening makeup, as well as creams and other beauty products, in China today.

Egypt is a wondrous country with an almost magical presence in the world, and the historical country’s women are no less enchanting. Some of these beauties are considered more dazzling than The Sphynx. Dark full hair, with kohl around the naturally almond-shaped eyes, is a long-held image of beauty in Egypt. While Egyptians like their women curvaceous, today, the largely Islamic country, also maintains that women should cover their bodies up and have modest demeanors. It is said that the legendary queen Cleopatra was the inspiration for their body and beauty standards.
