The Already Phenomenal Birth Of Conjoined Twins Led To Their Sharing Of An Awe-Inspiring Message

Published on 03/02/2021

Traveling Risks

Whenever Abby and Brittany arrive in a new country, they are always anxious that people will receive them unkindly. While they may be more used to walking around their home country and dealing with Americans’ reactions to them, when they enter a foreign land, it can be difficult to tell how the different cultures will receive them. They often attract unwanted attention wherever they go, and people may attempt to take pictures of them. This is where their devoted group of friends comes in, protecting them from these nosy types.

Traveling Risks

Traveling Risks


Guardian Gals

This is the happily performed and protective role that the twins’ friend, Erin Junkans, took up. She was also interviewed by the BBC about her place in the twins’ life, which beyond being their close friend, involves standing up for them when they travel. Erin will block the twins from the views of unwarranted photographers, and keep a close eye on their state whenever they walk through crowds, doing her best to keep them happy and comfortable. That’s not to say that the twins don’t have a strong backbone, however.

Guardian Gals

Guardian Gals