These 45 Innovative Uses for Vaseline Prove it’s Not Just for Skin!

Published on 03/11/2020

33. DVD and CD Repair

Your favorite movies and albums don’t need to be trashed if they become too scratched. You can instead buff out the damages by applying a bit of petroleum jelly to the scratched areas and then wiping them carefully with a smooth cloth or proper CD cleaning material.

DVD And CD Repair

DVD And CD Repair

There are so many precious home videos, classic films, and other types of documents that you will want to preserve over time. We would really hate it if you had to say goodbye to such sentimental files forever.


34. Moisturizing and Night Cream Goodness

Contrary to popular belief, Vaseline does not cause pimples or blocked pores. Many people wrongly think that smothering their faces with the substance will lead to stuck pores and unwanted visitors to their faces. Petroleum jelly is non-comedogenic, which means that its place as a moisturizer for the face is secure. We wouldn’t suggest doing this daily though as your pores need to breathe and the skin needs to rejuvenate its natural oils too.

Moisturizing And Night Cream Goodness

Moisturizing And Night Cream Goodness

Your skin can easily look as gorgeous as the woman above’s!