You Won’t Believe The Problems You Can Fix With WD-40

Published on 02/13/2019

Opening Rusty Locks

When you buy locks, you will probably have to pay a higher price for the more reliable ones. While a sturdy lock will bring a high level of security, this safety comes at a price. However, you should still be able to unlock the door when using the right key! A rusty lock might be the culprit. Luckily, you can get rid of the stuck lock by using WD-40! Save yourself a grueling job.

Opening Rusty Locks

Opening Rusty Locks


Preventing Splinters

Anyone who sweeps their home with a wooden broom knows that the threat of the dreaded splinter is ever-present. Unless you care for your domestic tools properly and lovingly. WD-40 can also function as a varnish of sorts. Keep your mops, rakes, brooms, and other equipment sturdy and splinter-free using this product! When you notice that they look a little worse for wear, spray WD-40 and then rub along their length to increase their lifespan.

Preventing Splinters

Preventing Splinters