Washing Bathroom Tiles
You might not notice it, but the bathroom tiles tend to become very dirty quickly. Rather than ending up looking like the poor soul in the picture below, did you know that WD-40 can get the gunk out? Say goodbye to spending hours on your end on your knees. Just spray and wipe! This will make this a rather enjoyable experience for once, given how cathartic it is being able to magically breeze through all that gunk in no time at all.

Washing Bathroom Tiles
Unsqueaking Squeaky Shoes
We are sure you already have an inkling of what this is about. It turns out that squeaking is not only limited to clown shoes. As a matter of fact, your regular shoes might squeak like a mouse! Silence it by spraying in a little WD-40. This hack is especially beneficial for athletes and ballers who cannot stand the high-pitched cacophony produced by many people running around on a court. Welcome to the world of silent activity!

Unsqueaking Squeaky Shoes