Renewing Saws
How annoying is it when your saws get all rusted? These things aren’t cheap! Instead of shelling out a lot of money for a replacement saw, make sure to do this first. Grab a bottle of WD-40, spray it on the saw, and they will soon look great! Chainsaws need careful and loving maintenance not only for their functionality but for safety reasons too. You really do not want to suffer an accident with these mighty power tools.

Renewing Saws
Making Wicker Quiet
Have you ever sat in a wicker chair and experienced what is called the “wicker creak”? For some reason, it seems that wicker chairs and benches tend to make a noise like that. Nothing is more embarrassing than the loud groan that furniture makes when you sit down on it! However, WD-40 can be used to make them quieter. Feel free to use it on all of your wicker furniture! Enjoy your silent summer get-togethers.

Making Wicker Quiet