You Won’t Believe The Problems You Can Fix With WD-40

Published on 02/13/2019

Exterminating Bugs

Cockroaches can allegedly experience a nuclear explosion and live to tell the tale. They’re also incredibly resistant to a variety of ordinary bug sprays, not to mention the blunt-force trauma of common household objects! Despite this impressive fun fact, they will not be able to survive a dose of WD-40! Try it out yourself when these nasty intruders make their presence known in your home. They will come to fear the iconic blue and yellow can!

Exterminating Bugs

Exterminating Bugs


Getting Gum Out Of Hair

Hold on just one second before you bust out the scissors! Have you ever experienced having gum stuck in your hair? This is the easiest way to ruin someone’s day. If this happens to you, it is not the end of the world. All you need is some WD-40 and spray at the affected area. Make sure to close your mouth and eyes as you apply it. Soon enough, you can tug the gum and it should slide right off.

Getting Gum Out Of Hair

Getting Gum Out Of Hair