Combating Mildew
To stop mildew growing on your lovely wooden garden furniture once the wet weather begins, give the legs and tops of the furniture a spray with WD-40 and you won’t have to worry about mildew growing there this winter! Keep your outdoor furniture in top shape with the right treatments that are inexpensive and free of backbreaking work. This will make the warmer seasons a completely delightful experience with patio furniture that was kept in lovely condition.

Combating Mildew
Ending Silly-Putty Nightmares
Bless children and the noises of laughter and play when they are off enjoying themselves. But ever been a little worried that with those joyful sounds comes the threat of residue silly-putty in all sorts of hidden spots? And you probably already know that that stuff is a seriously stubborn substance! To the rescue; WD-40! A little spritz of this on a rag, some light scrubbing, and silly-putty won’t scare you anymore. You might even learn to love the stuff!

Ending Silly-Putty Nightmares