Shining Shoes
Have you noticed how trendy clean white sneakers have become recently? Perhaps you even have your very own pair! They might be all neat and beautiful when you put them on, but you will have to be extra careful if you want them to stay that way. When you get dirt on them, which you inevitably will, hot water and soap won’t be enough. However, a spray of WD-40 will make it much easier to rub away.
Cleaning Tar Stains
Tar might be more difficult to remove than your regular stains and dirt. This is an incredibly gritty substance that sometimes hits your vehicle while out and about. Nonetheless, we promise you that WD-40 will take care of it. After all, you would not want your car to look like a mess! We are sure you can wager a guess as to what will fix a situation like this one. The WD-40 is here to save the day!