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Published on 11/30/2022

Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri is the author of the Divine Comedy. He was one of the most notable poets in Italy during the Middle Ages. He described Hell and Heaven, with some of his descriptions becoming part of the Christian canon. On top of that, he was also a philosopher. He was 56 when he passed away in 1321.

Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri


What Dante Alighieri Really Looked Like

Many portraits of the poet exist, and they seem to have the same features. In general, he was depicted to have a Roman nose and stern face. The team used CGI to create this rendering of him. It was based on his skull measurements! The results showed him with a rounded jaw, a softer face, and bigger eyes.

What Dante Alighieri Really Looked Like

What Dante Alighieri Really Looked Like