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Published on 11/30/2022

Maximilien Robespierre

Maximilien Robespierre is an important figure in French history. He wanted the universal manhood suffrage, abolition of slavery, and religious tolerance. He was a key figure in the establishment of the First French Republic and was elected deputy of the National Convention. But what did he look like?

Maximilien Robespierre

Maximilien Robespierre


What Maximilien Robespierre Really Looked Like

In 2013, Philippe Charlier and Philippe Foresch worked to make this rendering of the lawyer-politician. They used his death masks and artworks of him. Apparently, Madame Tussaud herself made the death masks! Of course, she used his decapitated head to make them since he was executed in July 1794.

What Maximilien Robespierre Really Looked Like

What Maximilien Robespierre Really Looked Like