Sunlight is refreshing but not all parts of our house can have it. While we can compensate for the lack of natural light with lamps and other lighting, many houseplants need direct sunlight to thrive. Plants that do not need sunlight are an easy solution for sun-deprived rooms.
Low-light houseplants are ideal for areas of a room that need a touch of green but don’t receive enough direct sunlight to thrive. All of the plants mentioned below can be grown indoors and thrive in indirect light. However, the majority of them can also thrive in artificial light.

Peacock Plant (Calathea Makoyana)
Cathedral windows, rattlesnake plant, and zebra plant are all names for the peacock plant. These names come from its lovely foliage, which some claim is reminiscent of peacock feathers. Peacock plants are notorious for being showy and fussy when it comes to their upkeep.
Peacock plants favor low to medium light and will develop sad leaves if exposed to too much intense light. The pale marks on the leaves indicate that this plant has received too much sunlight. However, humidity, purified or rainwater, and wet (but not damp) soil are all favorable.
Prayer Plant (Maranta Leuconeura)
Prayer plants prefer soft, indirect illumination, but they can also thrive in low-light environments. However, if the leaves do not receive enough light during the day, they will close and not reopen in the evening. The plant’s leaves will begin to fade if it does not receive enough light. It likes damp soil and high humidity.
When night falls, the leaves of the prayer plant fold up like hands ready to pray. The pink veins and oval leaves of this plant are well-known. Because of their distinctive leaves, prayer plants look lovely in hanging baskets.
Monstera deliciosa is a hardy, low-maintenance plant known by various names, the most common of which is the “Swiss cheese plant” due to the unusual formation of ridges and holes on its mature leaves as fenestrations.
Monsteras prefer a mild, humid climate with plenty of water and soft sunshine. Place your Monstera in a location where it will get medium to bright indirect light. Although it can tolerate lower light levels, it will develop leggy as a result. Therefore, a location where it can receive bright indirect light a few feet away from a southern, western, or eastern facing window is ideal.

Images of vast desert deserts come to mind when we think of succulents. Naturally, this necessitates a lot of sunshine. But, on the other hand, succulents are a complex group of plants that aren’t only found in deserts.
Succulents are still one of the most common houseplants, but they can be difficult to develop if you don’t have access to a bright, sunny spot. Succulent plants, for the most part, crave as much sunlight as they can get. However, you can still grow these prized houseplants with success if you choose from the list of low-light succulents below.
- Snake plant
- Lance aloe
- Echeveria
- Panda plant
- Oxtongue plant
- Zebra haworthia
- Holiday Cacti
- Rhipsalis
- Burro’s Tail
The term “low light” does not imply “no light.” Photosynthesis, which allows plants to feed themselves, requires light for all plants. Low light refers to a plant that is not directly exposed to sunlight. Also, for a tolerant plant of common light conditions, you would need to grow light in a space with no windows.
Now that you’re aware of certain plants that don’t need direct sunlight and how to care for them, if you’re still not sure that your plant will thrive, try moving it around your house and see how it responds.